Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

K2 isn't here right now, which is a bummer cause I've stopped saying y'all and laughing as much as before. Will you just come home already!

We had the third meeting of the BLA this past Tuesday in North Boulder Park. The Duggans, Bryan Smith (its pronounced with a 'y' sound, not an 'i' BTW), his better half Rebekah Williams, and I were discussing the rules of croquet when someone mentioned we should contact the BLA, Boulder Lawnsport Association, because they surely they would know. Thus it was born.

The rules are fairly simple. White attire is not required but encouraged. Food of the nibbling and simplistic variety is suggested for ease of consumption and to reduce preparation complications. A sipping beverage of your choice is expected..nay...required. One should never become thirsty while playing Lawnsports. The drink in the opposite hand of the bocce ball is also necessary for balancing. Why do you think the Italians invented the game? Vino is surely the ballast that leads to a balanced life.

This is from Summit County two weeks ago, I just thought I'd share it as One) that tree is enormous, Two) You should always share.

Intense in Ten Cities J.O.N.G.

Photo Courtesy of Bryan's slow camera.

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Trails are Open

...and they are good.

A lake at 9,000 ft is pretty wild with such an epic background.

The air is thin, but the life is rich.

This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Cleaning out the Closet

Well not really my closet, someone else's, but its all good stuff. Check it.

Friday, June 6, 2008


To fill in the spectrum today, I've got a few various wavelengths.

One, I like to see people in the music industry adapting to the online music scene and its impact on traditional music sales. It highlights a new business model that will become the norm in 3 years as well as reinforces the mantra of innovate or die. You cannot find a routine to stay in the for the rest of your life. Riding the wave of success will only put you back where you started, on the beach. So be prepared to paddle back out into the water, stronger and more experienced.

Two, there is some new bicycle related activity up on BoulderSpace right now. June is Bike Month here in Colorado so I'll be posting a little more often this month.

Three, Happy Birthday to my best friend Brett Merlin. Words don't describe how many sick adventures we've had.

photo taken circa 2001

Monday, June 2, 2008

Growing Old

I'm not old, and neither is my sister, but we will be, someday.

It was a fantastic Memorial week in Whitehouse Station, NJ, my parents new home. My sister and I have been chatting about getting the bocce and croquet games going on our parents 5 acre lawn. The hat Christina is sporting was purchased specifically for the croquet, for $4. She also purchased me a wonderful pair of white linen cotton slacks. We were on good form for the game.

My grandmother grabbed my shades from me for a moment to pose for the camera. She is adorable.

It has been far too long since I have last seen my grandparents and they aren't getting younger. Both of them are 87ish, but you really wouldn't know they were that old. As a result of being exposed to the efficacy of the old adage "you are only as old as you feel," I have confirmed my belief that age is inconsequential. My parents, no idea how old they are either.

They are just so damn cute too, I want to just pick them up and put them in my pocket.

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