Saturday, December 19, 2009

How Do We Do It?

How can we impart the beauty and value of our natural landscapes while protecting them? How does one National Park become a mecca while others sit idle?

Yosemite gets a lot of traffic. And justifiably so. I haven't even been, but I can feel its enormity just from the Ansel Adam prints I was handed in high school. This video highlights its beauty. It also highlights the traffic through the park.

<p>People in Yosemite: A TimeLapse Study from Steven M. Bumgardner on Vimeo.</p>

More people then ever are flocking to our nations parks and open spaces. Natural habitat is being used the "treat" people suffering from depression amongst other things. So when will we bring nature back to our cities. Direct traffic and resources to other parks. Come up with some way to see nature besides 3mph crawling through Yosemite? Maybe dropping the fees on cyclists?

Give cyclists a day, even a morning to ride the parks without traffic. I'd pay for that. I think a lot of people would.

Posted via email from michaelcody's posterous

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